All IVs for KITAS / KITAP Holder
Please choose, combine, and select the ingredients you may want in your custom IV infusion.
Please give accurate information so you are not confused with other patients
We respect your privacy. Your address will not be given to anyone without your permission. Please note that all correspondence will be via these addresses. Please be sure you can receive email from (there is no .com etc.)
We respect your privacy. BSI does not give personal information to outside parties. We request contact info in the event of schedule changes or emergency situations
IMPORTANT, Please note: we will do our best to give you the requested time slot. Confirmation will be sent via WA or Email.
(Choose between MINERALS or EDTA) (Choose max 3 in this category)
(Choose between EDTA or MINERALS)
(Choose max 2 in this category)
(Choose max 2 in this category – BSI Exclusive)
Sorry, if pregnant or breast feeding, we can only offer Vita Basic or Vita Booster.Please choose below
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