Homeopathic Compound IZ

IDB Exclusive

Ingredients: Water distillation of four zingerberaceae-family roots: Temu lawak, kunyit kuning (turmeric), temu kunci, galangal, plus piper nigrum, silver hydrosol, with trace grain alcohol used during processing.

Indications: In treatment of diseases and aberrant growths of the liver, stomach, colon, breast, lung, prostate, blood, brain and more. Chronic inflammation including macular degeneration, cervix and uterine diseases. Helpful in blood and liver parasites, detox regimes, cancer, virus, fungus, and bacteria therapies.

Actions: Anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-asthmatic, and anti-cancerous. Works to neutralize diseased tissue, virus, fungus, bacteria, without killing healthy tissues. The penetrating action of the 48+ alkaloids distilled from these four ginger family roots spread through the body and into errant growths and pathogens, causing apoptosis.

The zingiberaceae (ginger) family of plants, of which there are more than 400 varieties, is widely known for medicinal potency – the basic cure-all of all medicinal practices of India and Indonesia. Most of the 400 species are used in indigenous medicines, as well as vegetables, spices, dyes, condiments, and their exotic flowers as ornamentals.

Galangal is a more prominent root from the ginger family. It has been found to be a potent anti-carcinogen, and possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic, antifungal, anti-diabetic, antibacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-pyretic, immuno-stimulating, antioxidant, anti-amoebic, anti-dermatophytic and many other important properties. Galangal is a free radical scavenger, exhibiting strong superoxide, anion-scavenging activity.

Temu Lawak is used for both food and medicinal purposes. Containing curcuminoid, the main component of rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza, temu lawak is highly anti-microbial, and works well against Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, and more.

Kunyit Kuning (turmeric) is used to treat a variety of internal disorders, such as indigestion, throat infections, common colds, or liver ailments, as well as topically to cleanse wounds or treat skin sores. Kunyit kuning is antifungal and antibacterial. Kunyit is also highly antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and plays an important role in prevention and treatment of various illnesses ranging notably from cancer to autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Temu Kunci is an excellent an antioxidant, and used to help heal pancreatic, lung, prostate, colon, and breast cancers. It’s anti-angiogenic, anti-HIV protease, and anti-photo aging.

Piper nigrum (black pepper) or piperine increases the absorption of many medicines, (especially those of the ginger family). Piperine is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antilarval, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, and much more.

The more important alkaloids and beneficial nutrients of Compound IZ Injection Additive are…

curcumin (kunyit kuning)
demethoxycurcumin, (kunyit kuning)
bisdemethoxycurcumin, (kunyit kuning)
turmerone, (kunyit kuning)
atlantone, (kunyit kuning)
zingiberene, (kunyit kuning)
curcumoid (temu lawak)
germakren (temu lawak)
allo-aromadendren (temu lawak)
isofurogermakren (temu lawak)
tricyclin (temu lawak)
xanthorrhizol (temu lawak)
methyl eugenol, (galangal)
chavicol, (galangal)eugenol, (galangal)
1´-acetoxycavichol acetate, (galangal)
catechin, (galangal)

terpinen-4-ol, (galangal)
p-Coumaric acid, (galangal)
Myricetin, (galangal)
a-pinene, (galangal)
camphene, (galangal)
sabinene, (galangal)
ß-pinene, (galangal)
myrcene, (galangal)
p-cymene, (galangal)
1,8-cineole, (galangal)
limonene, (galangal)
y-terpinene, (galangal)
linalool, (galangal)
borneol, (galangal)
terpinene-4-ol, (galangal)
a-terpineol, (galangal)
geranyl acetate, (galangal)

methyl eugenol, (galangal)
and ß-caryophyllene, (galangal)
thymol, (galangal)
piperine1, (piper nigrum)
alkamides9, (piper nigrum)
piptigrine7, (piper nigrum)
wisanine7, (piper nigrum)
dipiperamide D10, (piper nigrum)
dipiperamide E10. (piper nigrum)
alpinetin (temu kunci)
boesenbergin A & B (temu kunci)
methoxychalcone (temu kunci)
cardamonin (temu kunci)
panduratin A (temu kunci)
pinostrobin (temu kunci)
pinocembrin (temu kunci)