Indications: Recommended for adult patients for the treatment of symptoms related to moderate and severe hangover from alcohol consumption.
Symptoms: Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach and intestinal pain, severe headache, dehydration.
Prescription: Administered via IV Infusion, only after Doctors or Nurse Practitioners have examined the patient and have determined effectiveness, ingredients, and dose.
and a combination of the following, depending on symptoms:
Normally not all of the above medicines are prescribed, depends on the need of the patient and Doctor prescription.
Actions: Faster acting when given by IV, thus allowing rapid replenishment of salt and fluids in prevention of alcohol toxicity due to the effects of dehydration and excess alcohol poisoning.
Cautions: Do not take with Vitamin C, other vitamins, or Vita-IV infusions during the IV session.
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