1 gram / 1000 mg of Vitamin C
3 grams / 3000 mg of Vitamin C
The most impressive benefits of L-carnitine in Vita Slim IV Infusion include improved heart health, brain function, more rapid body building, and desired weight loss, among others.
The main role of L-carnitine in the body is to initiate mitochondrial function and energy production in cells. It helps transport fatty acids to mitochondria where they are subsequently converted into energy.
Most people use acetyl-L-carnitine to enhance their cognition and rev up energy levels. Repeated short-term use of L-Carnitine slow the metabolism of carbohydrates converting to fats. The human body makes enough L-carnitine under normal conditions. Older people and kidney disease patients often lack L-carnitine and might as such require supplementation.
We suggest weekly or twice weekly infusions be taken until results are produced.
Glutathione also maintains other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. It is vital for the proper synthesis and repair of DNA, and numerous other critical biochemical pathways affecting every system of the body including the nervous and immune systems, and liver function. Glutathione improves the liver’s ability to remove countless toxins including heavy metals. Supplemental glutathione also reduces food cravings while stimulating the body to increase muscle mass.
Magnesium is required to produce energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It’s essential for proper DNA cellular function. Magnesium is also crucial in production of the antioxidant glutathione.
Other ingredients may added by request.
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